Prime Childcare Activities

Prime Childcare Activities

STEM Projects:

  • Conduct simple science experiments or engineering projects.
  • Explore robotics or coding activities.

Art and Crafts:

  • Engage in more complex art projects like sculpting or painting.
  • Introduce DIY crafts or jewellery making.

Outdoor Adventure:

  • Plan nature hikes, camping trips, or outdoor scavenger hunts.
  • Explore geocaching or orienteering.

Reading Clubs:

  • Facilitate a book club where children can discuss and share their favourite books.
  • Encourage reading challenges or set up a mini-library.

Language and Writing:

  • Encourage creative writing through storytelling or journaling.
  • Explore different writing styles and formats.

Community Service Projects:

  • Engage in community service or volunteer work.
  • Plan and execute projects that benefit the local community.

Technology Exploration:

  • Explore more advanced educational apps and online resources.
  • Introduce basic programming or game design.

Board Games and Strategy Games:

  • Play complex board games that involve strategy and critical thinking.
  • Introduce role-playing or strategy video games.

Life Skills Workshops:

  • Teach practical life skills such as budgeting, time management, and organization.
  • Provide lessons on basic first aid or emergency preparedness.

Creative Problem Solving:

  • Engage in activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Present challenges or puzzles for them to solve individually or as a group.

Homework Assistance:

  • Provide a quiet and conducive space for completing homework.
  • Offer assistance and guidance when needed.

Educational Games and Activities:

  • Engage in educational board games or puzzles.
  • Explore STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) activities.

Sports and Physical Activities:

  • Encourage participation in organized sports or physical activities.
  • Facilitate outdoor games like soccer, basketball, or biking.

After School Clubs

Afterschool clubs are delivered as part of a extra-curricular programme. Each session aims to ensure the children have fun, keep active and develop new skills.

A variety of clubs are available to meet the need of child. Multi-skill sessions emphasise fundamental skills (catching, running, jumping) while our popular academies give children the chance to try a game or activity that they might not have considered before. They'll have the opportunity outside of the school day to learn new skills and improve their well-being in a fun and exciting way.

All our sessions are delivered by qualified professionals that have met the enhanced checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Our clubs are designed to help children develop physically, mentally and emotionally. Sessions offer a safe environment where the children will build social skills and confidence levels while increasing their abilities and taking part in something they enjoy.

Both include opportunities for homework and lively activity, games, socialising, sports and above all, fun!
