Prime Childcare Accessibiity Plan

The Management of the Prime Tuition adopted this policy on 24th June 2021 & It will be discussed annually by the management and will remain applicable for Prime Tuition until the management notifies the Institute for any changes to the policy. It should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedures

Prime Tuition Disability Access Policy


The disability discrimination act 2005 states that we as a Educational Institute are required to cater for our enrolled children who, as a result of a physical or mental problem, are less able to take full advantage of the range of facilities the Tuition Centre has to offer. Prime Tuition aims to provide excellent and enjoyable quality first tutoring for all pupils. The institute recognises that the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA), places a duty on all public sector authorities to promote disability equality. As part of their duties under the DDA Educational Institution are required to publish a Disability Access Policy. This policy provides the criteria to follow and to ensure that the Tuition Centre fully complies with its duties. At the heart of the scheme the Tuition Centre recognises that Every Child Matters and that all staff strive to ensure, where reasonably possible, that no child is placed at a disadvantage.

The General Duty:

The general duty requires public authorities to adopt a proactive approach, mainstreaming disability equality into all decisions and activities.

The institute must have due regard to:

  • Promote Equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people
  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination under the DDA
  • Eliminate disability-related harassment
  • Promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
  • Encourage disabled people’s participation in public life
  • Take steps to take into account people’s disabilities, even where that involves more favourable treatment

Definition of Disability:

The Institute will use the definition as given by the DDA that a person who is disabled is: “One who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.”

This policy recognises that there is no longer a need for a mental impairment to be clinically well recognised. The Disability Equality in Education further recommends, and Prime Tuition accepts, that all pupils with SEN and those with long term medical needs need to be treated as disabled for the purposes of the Act and for equality.

Involvement of people with a disability in creating this plan was carried out by the Head of Department/Supervisor and the management who are experienced working with physically disabled pupils.

The Tuition Centre will consult with pupils through the Pupils’ awareness as informed through the sharing of the scheme from their respective school’s council meetings and with class-based discussions in Personal Social Health Education and Philosophy. This information is captured by our forms during the admission process. The Tutoring Staffs at Prime Tuition are equipped to provide the essentials that they are to comprehensively plan for the needs and well-being of the pupils. The institute will ensure that reasonable adjustments to working conditions are observed and provided for if necessary.

Informing the Tution Centre of a disability Employees Staff are questioned about any disabilities they may have through the Job application form for employment. The Tuition Centre adheres to the Safer Recruitment guidelines. The Tuition Centre keeps a record of staff who have declared a disability. The decision whether to disclose a disability lies firstly with the person themselves. The Tuition Centre will not treat any staff or potential member of staff less favourably due to a disability. The Tuition Centre aims to promote an ethos where the benefit of informing the Institute of a disability is favourable for all. If a person wishes to maintain confidentiality, then the Institute will endeavour to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made. For Pupils the decision whether to disclose disabilities lie with the pupil and their parents. However Prime Tuition feels that the greatest benefit for all pupils is informing the Institute of disabilities to empower the Tuition Centre to make reasonable adjustments.

Staff development:

The Tuition Centre values the importance of staff development, and all staff are encouraged to train and develop their skills. The Institute will also ensure that appropriate steps are taken to communicate to all staffs, children and parents that the Institute will not tolerate any harassment or bullying.

Overcoming Physical Barriers All proposed physical changes to the Tuition centre buildings and grounds will be considered from an accessibility perspective before they are implemented. Further, the accessibility plan will be amended as appropriate to reflect any physical changes to the Tuition Centre’s environment (see appendix i)

Learning Opportunities:

All learning opportunities will be made available to every pupil in the Institute although they may have a disability. Enabling staff to make reasonable adjustments, Staff will consider any reasonable adjustments that are needed. The Department Supervisor/Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that Tutoring staff are supported in making and recording any reasonable adjustments they currently make on the provision map. The Tuition Centre will regularly survey staff views on their own ability to make reasonable adjustments the results of which will provide valuable information for Continual Professional Development and Performance Management targets.

Monitoring effectiveness:

The scheme will be reported on annually and discussed with staff at the beginning of each academic year. How the Tuition Centre develops understanding of the range of disabilities The Tuition Centre is committed to developing positive attitudes towards disabled people and it is delivered within the curriculum. In certain situations, the Tuition Centre acknowledges that a specific disability and the effects of that will need to be made explicit to groups of children. The Institute will maintain confidentiality within the class community and ascertain parental consent before sharing any information with the child’s peers. Where the Institute has knowledge of the child’s disability, reasonable adjustments to learning situations, i.e., how we communicate with children through different learning and teaching styles and the differentiated curriculum, will be made.

The Tuition Centre will make reasonable adjustments for children and a system of provision mapping has been adopted to record and assess the effectiveness of them. The Tuition Centre is improving its information gathering system on admission to Institute and the Tuition Centre will record and inform all staff of previous adjustments for pupils.

The Institute has effective assessment and monitoring policies for all children and specifically those who are considered to be disabled. These systems enable effective transition planning and activities for all pupils. The Institute will also consider its risk assessment guidelines as part of the physical intervention policy in association with disabled children. This will enable staff to make reasonable adjustments to the environment and develop strategies to meet the needs of children with social, emotional, and behavioural disabilities. Consulting with children. Parents/ Carers the Institute will strive to ensure parents and carers receive the support necessary to enable their children to make progress. The Tuition Centre will target communication with parents as part of the Disability Accessibility Scheme. Consulting with parents every month, as part of the review process, the Tuition Centre will seek the views of parents. It is the Institution’s intention to use these contributions to improve and develop the Tuition Centre’s procedures. Monitoring and review the effectiveness of this scheme will be reviewed and evaluated by the management on at least an annual basis.
